The RRC is a small registered charity. There are two part-time workers, both working from home. We are very grateful to our sponsors because their contributions allow us to provide our service to rhino enthusiasts around the globe.
Donations are very welcome and are essential to keep our work going.
We know that everybody working on rhinos for conservation, research, education or media coverage saves a great deal of time and effort by using the information on the RRC. We update our website almost daily and give current up-to-date coverage of everything written about any of the rhino species worldwide. Please help us to continue our work.
Your contribution will be solely used for the purposes of maintaining the RRC website. Just 10% is taken for an administrative charge by third parties. Your assistance counts and is essential to rhino conservation and research.
For donations we use an external website that can handle several modes of money transfer.

We are always happy to receive information or copies of any work done on the rhinoceros.
Publisher and Authors: keep us up to date with your publications. As long as the rhinoceros is mentioned, nothing is too trivial. If you happen to have items not listed in the Bibliography, or original photographs, prints, books, we would be happy to hear from you.
The Rhino Resource Center is in the process of updating its website. The new version will include GALLERIES of rhinoceros pictures. It provides an opportunity to show at least one photograph of every rhinoceros kept in captivity, in the past and at present. It also gives an opportunity to publish any good photos of all rhino species when locality and date are known, with acknowledgement to the photographer.
Hence I would like to invite you to send us images of all individual rhinos in zoos or parks or in the wild, preferably as JPEG. It will be assumed that all photos received can be posted on the web without infringing any copyright (but arrangements can be made).
The pictures are most useful if you can add the following data: Locality - Species – Specimen - date of photo - photographer
All entries will be gratefully received.
Stephe Wilson, Christopher Brack, Ian Glenn, Jim Monson, John Payne, Udo Gansloßer, Jan Robovsky, Spartaco Gippoliti, Ian Parker, Amit Sharma, Deba Dutta, Stephen Carton-Barber, Brian Barber, Herman Reichenbach - a work in progress
In 2016 we have received help from the following people: Don Majewski, Michael Amend, Spartaco Gippolito, Paolo Agnelli, Herman Reichenbach, Gerard Heerebout, Dinesh Jha, Jan van der Made, Sebastien Pouvreau, Malgosia Nowak-Kemp, Wayne Boardman, Jack Kottwitz, Erwin Neumayer, Roan Plotz, Vivek Memon, Felix Patton, Amrit Menon, Beaux Berkeley, Susana Gomez Lopez, Carsten Zehrer, Benson Okita, Samuel Zschokke, Annette Huebschle, Elisa Reuter, Lucy Vigne, Esmond and Chryssee Martin, Dedi Rusman, Sena Subrata, Carsten Zehrer, Mike Knight, Cathy Dean, Douglas Crookes, Eva Maria Greunz, Alan Collins, Debba Dutta, Stewart Thompson, Michele Miller, Wighart von Koenigswald, Julian rademeyer, Bernhard Blaszkiewitz
In 2015 we have received help from the following people: Roan Plotz, Ray Dearlove, Markus Hofmeyr, Marcellus Adi, Sunarto, Francesco Nardelli, Bibhab Kumar Talukdar, Felix Patton, Krisztian Gyongyi, Cathy Dean, Susie Ellis, Jayanta Mallick, Friederike von Houwald, Marcus Chua, Jan van der Made, Richard Weigl, Karen Dixon, Ruchir Sharma, William Schroder, Herman Reichenbach, Michelle Miller, Mike Knight, Karen Trendler, Egge Knol, Pietro Passerin, Stephane Jouve, Spartaco Gippoliti, Thomas Goettert, Jim Feely, John Payne, Zainal Zainuddin, Martyn Low, Hugh Jagoe, Petra Kretzschmar, John van Wyhe, Nan Schaffer, Ray Dearlove, Sandy Masuo, Frank Oberwemmer, Wighart von Koenigswald, Majid Khan, Heiner Kloes, Babu Ram Lamichhane, Naresh Subedi, Cyriel Ververs.
In 2014 we have received help from the following people: Herman Strack, Paul Cooper, Terri Roth, Nick Whiteley, Herman Reichenbach, John Payne, Francesco Nardelli, Frank Oberwemmer, Christian Kern, Bernhard Blaszkiewitz, Bill Konstant, Susie Ellis, Cathy Dean, Corne Eloff, Bibhab Kumar Talukdar, Almut Pollmer-Schmidt, Peter Hitchins, Pierre-Olivier Antoine, Xiaokang Lu, Priya Bapodra, Felix Patton, Spartaco Gippoliti, Dave Johnson, Jane Kennedy, Carsten Zehrer, Peter Law, Mohd Tajuddin Abdullah, Ken Kawata, Richard Reynolds, Roan Plotz, Laura Adams, Rufus Churcher, Ray Dearlove, Grant Fowlds, Amit Sharma, Manuel Joseph, Robin Radcliffe, Rebecca Bloch, Sara Wunder, Michael Ainsworth, Jan Boeyens, Maria Van der Ryst, Gerard Heerebout, Tim Condon, Julian Blanc, Julia Lankton, Yoshan Moodley, Stephen Belcher, Josh Warren, Sankar Ghosh, Marek Houszka, Tommaso De Francesco, Miriam Meijer, Neha Sinha, Peter Dollinger, Courtney Marneweck
In 2013 we have received help in obtaining literature and pictures, often well beyound any call of duty, from Russel Stebbings, Ragnar Kinzelbach, Mikael Fortelius, Elizabeth Koutsos, Rachel Santymire, Tim Portas, Felix Patton, Cathy Dean, John Payne, Dick Groenenberg, Wulan Pusparini, David Brugière, Amit Sharma, Kooshan Mehran, Michael Mettler, Deba Dutta, Annemieke van der Goot, Bibhab Talukdar, Richard Emslie, Herman Reichenbach, Ken Kawata, Richard Reynolds, Peter Law, Francesco Nardelli, Carsten Zehrer, Joachim Bautze, Friederike von Howald, Thomas Goettert, Rosalynn Anderson-Lederer, Jan Robovsky
We gratefully acknowledge all asistance to our work in 2012, in chronological order: Felix Patton, Roan Plotz, David Brugière, Ragnar Kinzelbach, Jan Robovsky, Colin Groves, Ken Stratford, Pierre-Olivier Antoine, Michele Miller, Betsy Stringer, Luigi Tommasi, Renata Harper, Samantha Kudeweh, Herman Reichenbach, Theo Obada, Steve Romo, Rachel Roberts, Kevin Bewick, Richard Emslie, Oscar Sanisidro, Dadan Subrata, Widodo Ramono, Rickert van der Westhuizen, John Payne, Thomas Goettert, Spartaco Gippoliti, Pranjal Bezbarua, Xiaokang Lu, Sarah Brooks, Athanassios Athanassiou, John Gannon, Sara Wunder, Jordan Gschwend, Peter Law, James Hyslop, Susan Scholtz, Mohd Tajuddin bin Abdullah, Jolantha Belik, Benn Bryant, Jim Haigwood, Benson Okita, Michael Mettler, Haidee Kinter, Sylvia Voelzer, Richard Reynolds, Kathleen Stuart, Wino Paas, John Payne, Julia Zervanova, Kaushik Deuti, Dan Stiles, Saman Bouman, Arend de Haas, Gigi Bon, Shana Lavin, Kirk Klasing, Marcus Clauss, Scott Citino, Robin Radcliffe, Brian Nielsen
In 2011 we have received information and assistance of different kinds from the following persons in chronological order: Remie Bakker, David Brugière, Dick Mol, Jan van der Made, Amit Sharma, Jan Robovsky, Santos Cubillas, Li Shenging, Claude Guérin, Mikael Fortelius, Frederic Lacombat, Deng Tao, Masanaru Takai, Paul Mazza, Benedetto Sala, Yu Chen, Andrey Shpansky, Gloria Cuenca Bescos, Irina Kirilova, Pierre-Olivier Antoine, Bolat Bayshashov, Alexandra van der Geer, Spartaco Gippoliti, Kevin Dunham, Richard Emslie, Kerry Crosbie, Vlad A. Codrea, Felix Patton, Theodor Obada, Sergey V. Leshchinky, Yu-Chen, Francesca Cinquina, Oleg Martsun, Michele Miller, Chris Brack, Pavel Sarauer, Herman Reichenbach, Carsten Zehrer, David Brugière, Robin Radcliffe, Athanassios Athanassiou, Kellie Enright, Raj Amin, Benson Okita-Ouma, Christa Riedl-Dorn, Lucy Fitzjohn, Tara Myers Harrison, Raj Amin, René van Uum, Terri Roth, Thomas Goettert, Willem Schaftenaar, Franz Schwarzenberger, Deborah olson, Friederike von Houwald, Erik Klee, Dorothee Brantz, Samuel Zschokke, Jonas Livet, Francesco Nardelli, Jim Feely, Annemarie Jordan-Gschwend, Miguel Gastelumendi, Mohd Tajuddin, Madeline von Förster, Gigi Bon, Ragnar Kinzelbach, Sarah Brook, Peter van Coevorden de Groot, Jim Feely, Roan Plotz, Giuseppe Ugolini, Niccolo Falchi, Alessandro Romanello, Andrea Di Bitonto
In 2010 we have received information and assistance of different kinds from Dan Ziegler, Cathy Dean, Matthew Graczyk, Marcellus Adi, Robin Radcliffe, Muhammad Agil, Hideki Endo, Ann Duncan, Simon Tonge, Paul van Helden, Roan Plotz, Jan Robovsky, Ivana Cinkova, Thomas Goettert, Felix Patton, Ramona Frederickson (ARAZPA), Mark Jones, Colin Groves, Benson Okita, Haowen Tong, Cameron Murray, Kerry Crosbie, Nicholas Duncan, Esmond Martin, Jean-Pierre d'Huart, Elizabeth Berkeley, Amit Sharma, Friederike von Houwald, Allison Wack, Nicholas Gould, Herman Reichenbach, Candice Dorsey, Bernhard Blaszkiewitz, Angkana Sommanustweechai, Jeremy Franks, Kadie Salfi, Chris Walzer, Jörg Hensiek, Ken Kawata, Emmauel Billia, Benedetto Sala, Regina Pfistermüller, Kerstin Dengg, Oliver Klohs, Carsten Zehrer, Jim Feely, Dennis Geraads, Gigi Bon, Craig Hanson, Cheryl Sangster, A.V. Shpansky, David Brugiere, Ginger Takle
We acknowledge the kind contributions and cooperation of all correspondents who have helped us in 2009: Andrew Laurie, Reg Gush, Jim Monson, Joris Cromsigt, Marietjie Landman, Gayle Pedersen, Richard Kock, Benson Okita-Ouma, Alexander Gehler, Liz Romer, Lyudmila Solowjowa, Carsten Zehrer, Petra Kretzschmar, Michel Raynal, Daniel Ziegler, Gudrun Malek, Udo Gansloßer, Hanspeter Steinmetz, Haowen Tong, Annemieke van der Goot, Herman Reichenbach, Amit Sharma, Haowen Tong, Claude Guerin, Michelle Miller, Lothar Schlawe, Yuri Mitzkewich, Fred de Boer, Remco van Merm, Susie Ellis, Akiyoshi Nawa, Ken Kawata, Meena Gurung, Jonathan Bautze, Roberta Wallace, David Cowles, Marleen Hengelaar, Jolantha Belik, Zin Maung, Chris Walzer, Janno Weerman, Adrian Shrader, Adhie Hariyadi, Ram Chandra Kandel
We acknowledge the kind contributions and cooperation of all correspondents, including (in 2007 and 2008): Beatrice Steck, C.J.F. (Kees) Poortman, Andrew Gell, Olavi Gronwall, Deepak Acharya, Bibhab Kumar Talukdar, Louise McKenna, Cyrielle Leturgeon, Adam Felts (IRKA), Dr. Nuno Carvalho de Sousa, Herman Reichenbach, Teri Brandon, Tina Fess, Vivek Menon, Stacey Paisner, Christiane Reiss, Zin Maung, Ray Hren, B. Buxbaum, Michael Durham, Sean Martin, Joe Jerome, Andrew Smith, Lisa Smith, Mark McHiggins, Elizabeth Zuhse, Diana Villafuerte, Ray Wiltshire, Julian Chapman, Alisa Sandor, Harro Strehlow, Raoul Du Toit, Paige McNickle, Trina Singley, Kenneth G. Buk, Jean-Francois Lagrot, Carsten Zehrer, Susanne Wyatt, Robyn Johnson, Melissa Newkoop, Janice Tomlian, Cydney Peterson, David Geurkink, Elizabeth Farmer, Matthew Frohlich, Tim Junker, Mark Marquardt, Janie Colt, Igal Gabbay, Violeta Paskaleva, Iris M. van Daalen (Acanthus antiquariaat, Utrecht- NL), Mac Clark, Dennis Hoeller, Nadya Guerrero-Pezzano (Houghton Mifflin Company), Sara McGinnis, Stephanie Richmond, Claire McFarlane, Brian Reed, Gerhard Heindl, William Saville, Kees Plaisier, Willem Nooteboom, Jade Tuttle, Amy Yadron, Wim Bergmans, Maarten van Strien, Florence Pieters, Per Wegge, Francesco Nardelli, M.S. Thayaparan, Gijs van der Ham, Iris Hunt, Chuck Cavanaugh, Prakash Aeyal, Garry Osthoff, Susan Hoss, Jan Smielowski, Kinna Benscheidt, Nadia Gordon, Wayne L. Linklater, Cathy Dean, Lucy Boddam-Whetham, Regina Erbentraut, David Pennington, Mark Tanimoto, Nadia Gordon, Peter Hnath, Candace Scott, Luca M. Venturi, Robin Radcliffe, Barry N. Brown, Janet O. Dallett, Ivana Cinková, Frédéric Lacombat, Jin Pyn Lee, Rod W. Flynn, Peter and Stella Hitchins, Matthew Waldram, Jonathan Moss, Joanne Machira, Mark Cleave, Geoffrey Bonsall, Rae Gandolf |