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Find information on all species of rhino. In Africa, the Black Rhinoceros,
the White Rhinoceros and the Nile Rhinoceros. In Asia, the Indian Rhinoceros, the Javan Rhinoceros and the Sumatran Rhinoceros. All threatened with extinction. Also all publications on many fossil rhinos across the world.

The Latest Rhino Images 
Hagenbeck 1964 Nepali II
Longden 1978 Ronald riding
Poussin 1640 Warrior and Rhino
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Rookmaaker - The Rhinoceros of S...
Rookmaaker 2024 The Rhinoceros o...
Gyah 1850 Marble rhino
Coypel 1685 Warrior on rhino


Click literature to search or browse everything ever written about the rhinoceros – biology, history, captivity, husbandry, management, conservation, art, taxonomy, nomenclature. Click images to find thousands of photographs and artwork depicting a rhinoceros.

Access is always free of charge to streamline research, field work and conservation.

Further Features:

Database of Fossil Rhinoceros Species:
Neogene and Quaternary Old World Localities
Edited by Denis Geraads et al.

East Asian and West African Rhinos
Carino Database
Edited by the late Henri Carpentier

Rhino Depictions In Contemporary Modern Art
Galleria of Emilio Gargioni

The RRC has 28.726 references with 28.819 downloadable PDFs.
Latest References 
Reichenbach, H., 2024. Erstmals in Deutschland: Zucht eines Panzernashorns (Die Geburt von Gauhati, 1964). Hagenbeck: das Magazin für Tier- und Artenschutz 2024 (02): 46-47
Longden, H.W.D., 1978. The story of Ronald. Zoo and Animal Magazine (London) 2 (10), March 1978: 33
Brocherel, G., 1905. Dal camoscio al rinoceronte: cacciatori valdostani nel sud-est africano. Illustrazione Italiana 32 (23), 28 May 1905: 525-526
Borowlaka, M. et al., 2024. Complete genome sequence of Arcanobacterium wilhelmae strain DSM 102162 isolated from the genital tract of a Rhinoceros unicornis. Microbiology Resource Announcements 2024: 1-4 - doi: 10.1128/mra.00204-24
Paillet, P. et al., 2024. Colors in Caves: Font de Gaume and Combarelles I (Les Eyzies, Dordogne). Hiatus, lacunes et absences : identifier et interpréter les vides archéologiques. Actes du 29e Congrès préhistorique de France, 31 mai-4 juin 2021, Toulouse Session Manifestations artistiques et symboliques, Société préhistorique française: 27-50
Latest Forum Contributions 
HARDBACK DISCOUNT Now Available Only on - From 1 July to 31 August 2024 Summer sale: Code DGBSS24 gives 50 % discount, for a total of Euro 160.78 + shipping
Read Pachyderm 63 by Kees
NOW issue 64. Read the latest issue of Pachyderm, with many interesting notes and papers on rhinoceros conservation:
Featured Links 
Save Sumatran Rhinos
Save the Rhino International
Age of Mammals
Rhino Car Hire
Rhino Keeper Association
Rhino Foundation of Indonesia
International Rhino Foundation

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