| MacCain, G.; Stepter, G. 1968 Discrimination learning and extinction in the black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis). Psychonomic Science 13 (3): 189-190, figs. 1-3 |
Behaviour - Memory
Black Rhino
| Experiments of discrimination learning in captive rhino
There are numerous animals which have not been subjected to any systematic or even to any sketchy experimental behavioral research. Such is the case with rhinoceroses. Information available is based on scattered field observations, descri... |
 | Bere, R.M. 1966 Wild animals in an African national park. London, Andre Deutsch, pp. 1-96 |
Behaviour - Memory
Black Rhino
| Like many other animals, black rhinos can be inquisitive. If one stays quite still beside a tree, or on top of an ant-hill, they will sometimes come to within a few yards before realizing what they are approaching. In some circumstances, they will respond to a whistle, and trot up to see what h... |
 | Bruton, R. 1963 The rhinos of South-East Asia. Conservation News 1963 August: 5-10, figs. 1-6, maps 1-2 |
Behaviour - Memory
Sumatran Rhino
| Rhinos are usually credited with only very low intelligence, most articles on the subject using the word 'stupid'. There are again probably differences between the species. Persons who have spoored rhinos in Southeast Asia have testified that these animals are extremely clever and wily and ofte... |
 | Anonymous 1953 Stones for Sally. Zoonooz (San Diego) 26 (6) Jun: 7, fig. 1 |
Captive - North America
Behaviour - Memory
Black Rhino
| Female Sally
Any day in the week, you may visit Sally's cage to find that here and there, spaced in casual fashion on top of the wall, are small roundish stones, perhaps half a dozen of them. There is generally only one stone for any one space between two pipes, and the interval between the sel... |
 | Wilhelm, J.H. 1950 Das Wild des Okawangogebietes und des Caprivizipfels. Journal of the South-West Africa Scientific Society 7: 1-7 |
Africa - Southern Africa - Namibia
Behaviour - Memory
Black Rhino
| The rhino is sometimes full of curiosity. One night a male and female came to within 60 m from my car and stood there to observe me. They only fled when the dogs barked. A male returned to a female that was shot during the night and stood with the dead animal for a long time, and slowly walked... |
 | Daly, M. 1937 Big game hunting and adventure 1887-1936. London, MacMillan, pp. i-xi, 1-322 |
Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Behaviour - Memory
Black Rhino
| One evening, camped on the banks of the Upper T'savo River, I had another chance to study the black rhino by night. My tent was pitched near the bank of the river, running some six feet below the tipper level of the bank where my tent stood. Just behind and a little to one side stood my natives... |
 | Buckley, W. 1930 Big game hunting in Central Africa. London, Cecil Palmer, pp. i-viii, 1-268 |
Africa - Eastern Africa - Sudan
Behaviour - Memory
White Rhino
| I call to mind a rather peculiar instance concerning rhino, which happened whilst maneuvering to get a shot at a bull elephant who was amongst a herd of others. A very inquisitive rhino would come close up and stare at us, and as I could not get out of the beast's way, and not wanting to shoot h... |