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Title: The white rhinoceros in Uganda
Author(s): Cave, A.J.E.
Year published: 1963
Journal: Oryx
Volume: 7 (1)
Pages: 26-29, map 1
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Eastern Africa - Sudan
Distribution - Records
White Rhino
northern habitat is confined to parts of the Western Sudan (the Bhar al Ghazal and the Nimule Reserve). In the Nimule Reserve Captain C. R. S. Pitman (1963, pers.comm.) reports an increase of numbers, due to the rigorous measures taken by the Sudan Government against poaching - the most serious s...

Africa - Eastern Africa - Uganda
Ecology - Population
White Rhino
Apart from the customary daily and seasonal movements of the species (governed mainly by considerations of feeding and watering) the present animals would appear to move about their district to a greater degree than formerly and to have become increasingly wary and difficult to approach. In the ...

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