| Cave, A.J.E., 1988. The major intrinsic pancreatic ducts of the rhinoceros. Journal of Zoology, London 214: 451-456, pl. 1, figs. 1-4
 | Cave, A.J.E., 1987. The pattern of aortic arch branching in the Rhinocerotidae. Journal of Zoology, London 213: 253-261, figs. 1-6
 | Cave, A.J.E., 1985. An unrecorded specimen of the Javan rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus). Journal of Zoology, London 207: 527-535, pls. 1-4, fig. 1
 | Cave, A.J.E., 1982. Note on rhinoceros salivary glands. Journal of Zoology, London 196 (1): 53-61, figs. 1-5
 | Cave, A.J.E., 1981. Observations on the rhinoceros cardiac receptor system. Journal of Zoology, London 195: 243-254, pl. 1, figs. 1-7
 | Cave, A.J.E., 1981. On the cardiac anatomy of the Sumatran rhinoceros. Journal of Zoology, London 193: 541-561
 | Cave, A.J.E., 1980. The rhinoceros lingual intrinsic musculature. Mammalia 44 (1): 123-128, figs. 1-3
 | Cave, A.J.E., 1979. The rhinoceros faucial and laryngopharyngeal tonsils. Journal of Zoology, London 187: 471-503, pl. 1, figs. 1-16
 | Cave, A.J.E., 1979. The mammalian tempero-pterygoid ligament. Journal of Zoology, London 188 (4): 517-532, figs. 1-12
 | Cave, A.J.E., 1978. Observations upon rhinoceros cervical lymphatics. Journal of Zoology, London 185 (1): 13-26, figs. 1-10
 | Cave, A.J.E., 1977. Observations on rhinoceros tongue morphology. Journal of Zoology, London 181: 265-284, pl. 1, figs. 1-6, table 1
 | Cave, A.J.E., 1976. The epipharyngeal bursa of an Indian rhinoceros. Mammalia 40 (1): 105-109, figs. 1-2
 | Cave, A.J.E., 1976. The thyroid and parathyroid glands in the Rhinocerotidae. Journal of Zoology, London 178: 413-442, figs. 1-13