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The RRC database contains a total of 42651 Notes which are linked to 28786 References. Furthermore, 28874 PDF's containing copies of pages from books and journals are available.

Newest PDFs:

International Rhino Foundation, 2024
Buffon, G.L. Leclerc de et al., 1791
Zariny, V. et al., 1952
Rheinart des Essarts, P.P., 1934
Russo, I.R. et al., 2022
Adams, J., 2024
Safei, R. et al., 2024
Halas, J., 2024
Kral, D. et al., 2024
Talukdar, B.K., 2023
Parker, J. et al., 2024
Pawlowska, K. et al., 2024
Zhang, Boya, 2024
Stone, M.M. et al., 2024
Robin des Bois, 2024
Rookmaaker, L.C. et al., 2024
Levaillant, F., 1795
Stubbs, G., 1807
Robin des Bois, 2024
Robin des Bois, 2024
Laufer, B., 1913
Wenley, A.G., 1952
Munster, S., 1550
Chmelarz, E., 1885

Rhino Literature & Articles

The RRC website provides access to an extensive database of indexed and tagged references, abstracts and full texts covering every possible aspect of the knowledge of the rhinoceros. There are no restrictions of language, time period, locality or type of publication including reports and grey literature. Contributions and suggestions are welcome.

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Main references to the fossil rhino sites database in Excel format; more info here

Newest References:
International Rhino Foundation, 2024. State of the Rhino Report (for 2024). Washington, IRF, pp. 1-17
Kuiper, T. et al., 2023. Evaluating the cost and effectiveness of rhino conservation interventions in the Greater Kruger. A Greater Kruger Environmental Protection Foundation Report, pp. 1-17
Buffon, G.L. Leclerc de et al., 1791. Natural history, general and particular, translated into english, 3rd ed. London, W.Strahan and T.Cadell, vol. 6
Rheinart des Essarts, P.P., 1934. Souvenirs de chasses [en Indochine]. Bulletin des Amis du Vieux Hué 21 (4): 221-332 [rhinoceros 246-249]
Marciszak, A. et al., 2024. Fossil large mammals from Wielkopolska: a state of knowledge. Geographia Polonica 97 (3): 271-294 - doi: 10.7163/GPol.0280
Adams, J., 2024. Review: The Rhinoceros of South Asia by Kees Rookmaaker. Newsletter of the Bartlett Society no. 178: 17
Safei, R. et al., 2024. Health study of rhino feed trees in Rawa Kidang Restoration. International Journal on Advanced Science Engineering Information Technology 14 (4): 1412-1417
Halas, J., 2024. Nzorozec srstnaty Coelodonta antiquitatis. Prcansky Kuryr 2024: 30
Russo, I.R. et al., 2022. Not all glitter and rainbows for black rhinoceros. In: M.T. Sethusa, D.L. Dalton & C. Pretorius (eds), South African animals at risk of extinction. South African National Biodiversity Inst.,Pretoria, pp. 23-30
Kral, D. et al., 2024. Gaindaphodius gainda, a new genus and new species of Aphodiini from Nepal (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae). Studies and Reports: Taxonomical Series 20 (1): 115-124
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