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Title: In het hart der Preanger
Author(s): Buys, M.
Year published: 1900
Publisher: Leiden, S.C.van Doesburgh
Volume: -
Pages: pp. 1-214
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Asia - South East Asia - Indonesia - Java
Distribution - Records
Javan Rhino
Reports about a burial place for animals, but the locals had never heard of a visit of a rhinoceros to this mountain. - [Mentioned by Buijs 1900, a small lake called Telaga Bodas in the crater of Mt. Telaga bodas, situated between the SE and NW hills of the Galoenggoeng, in the Preanger.]

Asia - South East Asia - Indonesia - Java
Asian Rhino Species
Legend of animal slaughter place. On Mt. Telaga Bodas, a small crater lake, in Preanger A little further on I found a curiosity: an unforested area some meters in circumference where a number of insects were lying dead. The locals call this place padjagalan (litterally: place of sluaghter). V...

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