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Title: Khama rhino sanctuary update
Author(s): Anonymous
Year published: 1994
Journal: Newsletter Okavango Wildlife Society
Volume: 1994 (2)
Pages: 2-3
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Southern Africa - Botswana
Distribution - Records
White Rhino
The raffle raised Pula 64.000. Progress at the sanctuary includes 3 succesful boreholes. Five bomas and 3 paddocks have been completed and two more are being constructed. Although the ranch is on tribal land, the Serowe Brigades have a 50-year lease on the property.

Africa - Southern Africa - Botswana
Distribution - Records
White Rhino
At the end of May 1994, the department of Wildlife conducted the first rhino capture in Botswana entirely staffed and equipped from within its own ranks. One rhino was captured in Chobe National Park. It was taken to Khama.

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