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Title: The forests of India, vol.3. The progress of conservancy and development of research in forestry 1901-1925, including brief reviews of the progress of conservancy in the several presidencies and provinces between 1871 and 1900
Author(s): Stebbing, E.P.
Year published: 1926
Publisher: London, John Lane
Volume: -
Pages: -
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Asia - South Asia - India
Indian Rhino
[190] During Eardley Wilmot's Conservatorship in Oud Mr. P.H. Clutterbuck (later Inspector-General of Forests) was in charge of the Gorakhpur Forests, which were separated from Bengal by the Gundak River. He there shot the last surviving buffalo and also the last rhinoceros, which had wandere...

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