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Title: Crisis in Rhodesia
Author(s): Savory, C.A.R.
Year published: 1969
Journal: Oryx
Volume: 10 (1)
Pages: 25-30
File: View PDF: 1,2 mb
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Southern Africa - Zimbabwe
Distribution - Records
African Rhino Species
Major species in danger of disappearing over much of Rhodesia through lack of management include the black rhino. Black rhino are in a serious position because they are limited to a last stronghold along the northern Zambesi region where their habitat is deteriorating through overpopulation, amo...

Africa - Southern Africa - Zimbabwe
Distribution - Records
Black Rhino
Black rhino are in a serious position because they are limited to a last stronghold along the northern Zambesi region where their habitat is deteriorating through overpopulation, among other factors. The parts of their range where they are protected from hunting in an effort to save them, such a...

Africa - Southern Africa - Zimbabwe
Distribution - Records
Black Rhino
Black rhino are in a serious position because they are limited to a last stronghold along the northern Zambesi region where their habitat is deteriorating through overpopulation, among other factors. The parts of their range where they are protected from hunting in an effort to save them, such a...

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