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Title: Systema naturae sistens regna tria naturae, in classes et ordines, genera et species redacta tabulisque aeneis illustrata. Secundum sextam Stockholmiensium emendatam & auctam editionem [edn 7]
Author(s): Linnaeus, C.
Year published: 1748
Publisher: Lipsiae, Godofr. Kiesewetter
Volume: -
Pages: pp. i-iv, 1-224, 1-30
File: View PDF: 278,8 kb
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

All Rhino Species
Ordo 5. Jumenta. Thiere mit Pferdegebiß
Dentes anomali a reliquis diversi

25. Rhinoceros.
Dentes incisores utrinque II. Canini nulli. Cornu naso persistens.

1. Rhinoceros cornu unico conico. Nasenhorn.
2. Rhinoceros cornibus duobus cuneiformibus.

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