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Title: Gipparionovaya Fauna Srednego Sarmata Moldavii (Kopytnye, Mlekopitayushchie) [The Middle Sarmatian Hipparion Fauna from Moldavia (Hoofed Mammals)] [in Russian].
Author(s): Lungu, A.N.
Year published: 1984
Journal: -
Volume: Izd-vo “Stiinta”, Kishinev
Pages: 158 pp., 23 figs, 33 tabs, 17 Pls.
File: Download PDFs: Part 1: 8,5 mb Part 2: 8,3 mb Part 3: 7,0 mb Part 4: 3,1 mb
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Europe - Estern Europe
Distribution - Records
The book contains 158 pages with a lot of figures, tables, and plates.
Here is the part concerning Miocene Rhinocerotidae from Moldavia only: Aceratheriinae, Dicerorhininae, and Teleoceratinae (pp. 35-53, figs 5-8, tabs 13-17, Pls VI-X). Three conclusive chapters (pp. 116-126) and the bibliogr...

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