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Title: Rhino horn smuggling operation uncovered
Author(s): Anonymous
Year published: 1982
Journal: Traffic Bulletin
Volume: 4 (1)
Pages: 6
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Distribution - Poaching
African Rhino Species
A game guard is standing trial on charges of shooting 4 thino and 5 buffalo in Hluhluwe. During the trial it was revealed that the horn had been cut off from the rhino and two were given to one Mary Xulu, who in a separate trial was fined R250 (or 6 months imprisonment) with an additional R250 f...

Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Distribution - Poaching
African Rhino Species
Police investigations are being carried out after reports of a rhino horn smuggling operation from the Hluhluwe and Umfolozi game reserves. Investigations have been going on for several months since it was discovered that large stocks of rhino horn in the Board's possession were missing. A NPB ...

Africa - Southern Africa - Zambia
Distribution - Records
Black Rhino
On 23 Jan 1982, the Government of Zambia prohibited the hunting of elephant and rhinoceros under the National Parks and Wildlife Act (Elephant and Rhinoceros) Regulations 1982. The regulations also revoked all outstanding hunting licenses and prohibted t

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