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Title: Boma management, construction and techniques for a founder population of black rhinos (Diceros bicornis minor) as applied in Lapalala Wilderness, South Africa
Author(s): Walker, C.H.
Year published: 1992
Journal: Pachyderm
Volume: 15
Pages: 40-45
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Translocation - Methods
White Rhino
Pre-release investigation. The original assessment of the 10,000 ha rhino sanctuary was not, in my opinion, sufficiently detailed to determine the outcome. 1 firmly believe that a more specialised study should be done in future on any private property that is to receive rhino. I am also concern...

Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Translocation - Methods
Black Rhino
Lapalala, South Africa - Diceros bicornis. Release of the rhinos finally commenced on 3 December 1990, after 18 weeks in the bomas. After consulting a number of colleagues, 1 had decided to hold the rhino back, regardless of cost. The delay was necessitated by the poor veld con- ditions result...

Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Translocation - Methods
African Rhino Species
Construction of bomas. It soon became apparent that there were wide and diverse opinions between one conservation agency and another, and between individual rhino specialists, on boma construction, feeding and release techniques for black rhino. The only literature available was a paper written...

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