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Title: A picturesque tour along the river Ganges and Jumna, in India: consisting of twenty-four highly finished and coloured views, a map, and vignettes, from original drawings made on the spot: with illustrations, historical and descriptive
Author(s): Forrest, Charles R.
Year published: 1824
Publisher: London, R. Ackermann
Volume: -
Pages: -
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Asia - South Asia - India - Ganges valley
Indian Rhino
[133] In expectation of some sport, being now in the vicinity of the Rajmahal Hills, a group of mountains, which in this part separates the provinces of Bengal and bahar, we halted one entire day at the village of Fathipore, and having procured from thence a shekarri, or in plain English, a poach...

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