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Title: Unusual meal
Author(s): Schuette, G.W.
Year published: 1970
Journal: Lammergeyer
Volume: 11
Pages: 81-82
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Ecology - Food
White Rhino
Ndumu GR, South Africa. Close to Lake Banzi, where a sausage tree Kigelia pinnata overhung the road, a rhino stood in the track chewing one of the large, heavu fruits lying on the ground. When disturbed the animal walked off, leaving about half of the 'sausage' uneaten. Later the remainder had...

Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Ecology - Food
White Rhino
Ndumu GR, South Africa. Close to Lake Banzi, where a sausage tree Kigelia pinnata overhung the road, a rhino stood in the track chewing one of the large, heavu fruits lying on the ground. When disturbed the animal walked off, leaving about half of the 'sausage' uneaten. Later the remainder had...

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