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Title: Black rhinoceros vocalisations
Author(s): Frame, G.W.; Goddard, J.
Year published: 1970
Journal: East African Wildlife Journal
Volume: 8
Pages: 207
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Eastern Africa - Tanzania
Ecology - Interspecific Relations
Black Rhino
At 2100 h, a spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta (Erxleben)) began annoying the calf, and the calf charged it twice while the adult stood motionless. By 2140 h, eight hyaenas were snapping at the calf's tail and left hind leg. Both adult and calf actively wandered in circles, but failed to remain c...

Behaviour - Social Behaviour
Black Rhino
Numerous black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis (L.)) Vocalizations have been mentioned in the literature in recent years. As described by various authors, these Vocalizations vary considerably from 'mews' and 'squeaks' to 'grunts', 'squeals', 'roars' and 'puffing snorts'. One additional vocalizati...

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