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Title: Alberuni's India: an account of the religion, philosophy, literature, geography, chronology, astronomy, customs, laws and astrology of India about AD 1030 English edition, with notes and indices, by Edward C Sachau
Author(s): Alberuni; Sachau, E.C.
Year published: 1910
Publisher: London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Truebner and Co
Volume: -
Pages: vol. 1, pp. i-li, 1-408; vol. 2, pp. 1-431
File: View PDF: 1,1 mb
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Asia - South Asia - India
Asian Rhino Species
People relate that in the plains of Kunkan, there lives an animal called sharava (Skr. maisof' sarahha). It has four feet, but also on the back it has something like four feet directed upwards. It has a small proboscis, but two big horns with which it attacks the elephant and cleaves it in tw...

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