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Title: In pursuit of the white rhinoceros
Author(s): King, R.W.
Year published: 1962
Journal: African Wildlife
Volume: 16 (2)
Pages: 123
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Distribution - Status
White Rhino
During a recent visit to Umfolozi Reserve I was astonished at the number of white rhino present. Imagine our delight to find large herds grazing contentedly in beautiful open country and at the same time showing no sign of nervousness.

Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Behaviour - Towards Man
White Rhino
On one occasion a large number of rhino reminiscent of a herd of cows steadily munched their way to the car. Although the herd was accompanied by a calf they showed hardly any interest in us. On the other hand there were times when rhino showed considerable curiosity and looked quite formidable...

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