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Title: Obongi, the white rhino who fell in love with mankind
Author(s): Henderson, D.
Year published: 1972
Journal: Animals
Volume: 14 (7)
Pages: 302-303, figs. 1-2
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Eastern Africa - Uganda
Distribution - Records
White Rhino
Obongi, tame white rhino. Obongi's first contacts with man were stormy, her hitherto young and peaceful life being destroyed by a succession of nerve-shattering events. One minute she was resting in the shade of a thorn bush, the next she was being chased by the catching team in battered, strip...

Africa - Eastern Africa - Uganda
Behaviour - Towards Man
White Rhino
Tame white rhino in Uganda, and succesful return to nature. Obongi's first contacts with man were stormy, her hitherto young and peaceful life being destroyed by a succession of nerve-shattering events. One minute she was resting in the shade of a thorn bush, the next she was being chased by th...

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