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Title: In Centraal Borneo: reis van Pontianak naar Samarinda
Author(s): Nieuwenhuis, A.W.
Year published: 1900
Publisher: Leiden, E.J. Brill
Volume: -
Pages: vol. 2, pp. i-viii, 1-369, i-xvi
File: View PDF: 337,7 kb
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Asia - South East Asia - Borneo
Distribution - Status
Sumatran Rhino
One of the people went to the watersource on the mountain, but found the spring occupied by a rhinoceros which ran away quickly. During the climb we were much helped by the paths made by the rhinos which was so steep that we had to walk on hands and feet. About half-way up the mountain we found...

Asia - South East Asia - Borneo
Distribution - Records
Sumatran Rhino
Upper Mahakam. One of the hunters met a rhinoceros which was disturbed in the bed of a small stream by the noise of dogs trying to get at some otters in a hole. The rhinoceros did not wait for an attack, but went away, while the dogs did not date to oppose this enormous animal.

Asia - South East Asia - Borneo
Distribution - Poaching
Asian Rhino Species
Local hunting methods of the Punan. These people do not get far in hunting large animals like the rhinoceros as illustrated by this story. When one of them sees the spoor, many men go together, mostly armed with spears, and they try to get near the animal when it is asleep or when it does not n...

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