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Title: Longhouse and jungle: an expedition to Sarawak
Author(s): Arnold, G.
Year published: 1959
Publisher: London, Chatto and Windus
Volume: -
Pages: pp. 1-206
File: View PDF: 418,4 kb
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Asia - South East Asia - Malaysia - Sarawak
Distribution - Status
Sumatran Rhino
I had repeatedly told everyone that under no circumstance were they to kill a rhinoceros, but I hoped we shouldn't meet one, because the delight of the chase and magnificent excitement of so great a kill would certainly have ouweighed any Government prohibition. Madang and Lian asked me what was...

Asia - South East Asia - Borneo
Sumatran Rhino
Rhinoceros nearing extinction largely owing to the high prices the Chinese will pay, especially for the horn which they use as an aphrodisiac.

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