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Title: Reisen in Nord-Ost-Afrika: Tagebuch einer Reise von Chartum nach Abyssinien, mit besonderer Rucksicht auf Zoologie und Geographie unternommen in dem Jahre 1852 bis 1853
Author(s): Heuglin, T. von
Year published: 1857
Publisher: Gotha, Justus Pertes
Volume: -
Pages: pp. i-x, 1-136
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Eastern Africa - Ethiopia
Distribution - Records
Black Rhino
source of the Ambo, 2 ? hours from Merdibba. In the evening, when setting up camp, we saw a rhinoceros, which calmly looked into the fire. I shot six bulklets at it which hit the thick skull, and the animal disappeared. The next day, I sent people to look for the rhinoceros, but they said that...

Africa - Eastern Africa - Ethiopia
Distribution - Records
Black Rhino
travel April 1852, near Merdibba. In this region there are numerous elephant and buffalo, and sometimes one fins here the rhinoceros.

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