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Title: The pagan tribes of Borneo: a description of their physical, moral and intellectual condition with some discussion of their ethnic relations
Author(s): Hose, C.; MacDougall, W.
Year published: 1912
Publisher: London, MacMillan
Volume: -
Pages: vol. 1, pp. i-xv, 1-283
File: View PDF: 1,1 mb
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Asia - South East Asia - Borneo
Distribution - Poaching
Asian Rhino Species
Punans, who hunt withou dogs, will lie in wait for the rhinoceros beside the track by which he comes to his daily mud-bath, and drive a spear into his flank or shoulder; then, after hastily retiring, they track him through the jungle, until they come upon him again, and find an opportunity of dri...

Asia - South East Asia - Borneo
Taxonomy - Nomenclature
Sumatran Rhino
In Borneo the rhinoceros (R. borniensis, closely allied to R. sumatranus). On p.143 noted presence of a small rhinoceros (R. sumatranus).

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