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Title: Rhino drama in the Mara
Author(s): Masibo, J.
Year published: 1998
Publisher: Press Release
Volume: -
Pages: -
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Distribution - Records
Black Rhino
In October 1998, an adult female black rhino took up residence on the plains adjacent to Kichwa Tembo. These animals typically occur in the thickets of the eastern Maasai Mara, so it was a surprise to find an individual in the west.

Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Ecology - Interspecific Relations
Black Rhino
On 26 Oct 1998, the pride of lions ambushed a subadult zebra. Before they had suffocated the zebra, the resident black rhino emerged from a nearby thicket and chased the pride off. The zebra was badly injured and could not run away, to our amazement it was then set upon by the rhino. It gored ...

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