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Title: Black rhino monitoring in the Umfolozi/ Hluhluwe complex
Author(s): Yule, T.M.
Year published: 1992
Journal: Pachyderm
Volume: 15
Pages: 58
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Ecology - Census Methods
Black Rhino
Constant monitoring - South Africa. Since it began in 1988, the black rhino monitoring programme in the Umfolozi/Hluhluwe complex has made outstanding progress; it has provided many facts that now comprise a computer database. The information that can be derived from the data-base helps manager...

Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Ecology - Census Methods
Black Rhino
Since it began in 1988, the black rhino monitoring programme in the Umfolozi/Hluhluwe complex has made outstanding progress; it has provided many facts that now comprise a computer database. The information that can be derived from the data-base helps managers to be more productive and more accu...

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