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Title: Game and game preservation in Zululand
Author(s): Kirby, F. Vaughan
Year published: 1917
Journal: South African Journal of Science
Volume: 13
Pages: 375-396
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Distribution - Records
African Rhino Species
Zululand Proclamation No. 5 of 1895 amended the Act of 1894, by deleting rhinoceros and waterbuck from Schedule C. The rhinoceros was included in a section of the Proclamation referring to the elephant, which practically gave absolute protection. Black Rhinoceros was in a separate Schedule E an...

Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Distribution - Records
African Rhino Species
Black rhino is fairly numerous. It is the home of the white rhino, which nowhere else on the continent (except near the Blue Nile) can be seen. It is exceedingly difficult to compute their numbers even approximately, but I consider that there are between 30 and 40 adult animals actually residen...

Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Distribution - Records
Black Rhino
The prehensile-lipped rhino is also thoroughly at home here and along the margins of the two fine streams which water the central portion of the reserve, the Amanzibomvu and Amanzimnyama, this creature is very commonly met with.

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