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Title: Expedition to the Kaokoveld
Author(s): Lundholm, B.
Year published: 1951
Journal: African Wildlife
Volume: 5
Pages: 183-184
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Southern Africa - Namibia
Distribution - Records
White Rhino
Kaokoveld. The expedition made special efforts to investigate the persistent rumours of the occurrence of Ceratotherium simum in the area, but with only negatibe results. It was observed that the area seems to be far too hilly and thus unsuitable as a good terrain for these animals.

Africa - Southern Africa - Namibia
Distribution - Records
Black Rhino
Return of recent expedition. The whole area is at the same time a Game and a Native Reserve, a position of affairs not always satisfactory, but Natives are few. Since 1935, several species obviously increased, like black rhinoceros.

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