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Title: Parasites, a treatise on the Entozoa of man and animals, including some account of the Ectozoa
Author(s): Cobbold, T.S.
Year published: 1879
Publisher: London, J. and A. Churchill
Volume: -
Pages: pp. i-x, 1-508
File: View PDF: 681,4 kb
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Diseases - Parasites
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In 1856, Peters described a tapeworm from R. africanus: Taenia gigantea. In 1870, Murie dscribed a strobile of the same cestode of an R. unicornis as T. magna. In 1877, Garrod described a cestode in R. sondaicus, Plagiotaenia gigantea. The rhinocerine stomach bot (Gastrophilus rhinocerontis, O...

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