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Title: Africa from south to north through Marotseland
Author(s): Gibbons, A.St.H.
Year published: 1904
Publisher: London and New York, John Lane
Volume: -
Pages: vol. 1, pp. i-xxi, 1-297; vol. 2, pp. i-xix, 1-276
File: View PDF: 808,2 kb
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Eastern Africa - Uganda
Distribution - Records
White Rhino
At Lado. In the hunting veldt I was able to add several specimens to my collection, the most interesting being the skin of a white rhino (R. Simus) hitherto not known to exist in North Africa. Now in Pittsburgh.

Africa - Southern Africa - Zimbabwe
Distribution - Records
Black Rhino
Sees black rhino ?through the Kariba gorge' near the river.

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