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Title: The history of four-footed beastes: describing the true and lively figure of every beast, with a discourse of their several names, conditions, kindes, vertues (both naturall and medicinall), countries of their breed, their love and hate to mankinde, and the wondefull worke of God in their creation, preservation and destuction
Author(s): Topsell, E.
Year published: 1607
Publisher: London, William Iaggard
Volume: -
Pages: pp. i-xli, 1-759, i-x
File: Download PDFs: Part 1: 763,2 kb Part 2: 2,9 mb
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[1607: 594;1658: 460]
Of the Rhinoceros.
We are now to discourse of the second wonder in nature, namely of a beast every way admirable, both for the outward shape, quantity, and greatness, and also for the inward courage, disposition and mildeness. For as the Elephant was the first wonder,...

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