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Title: The Dinder Park and shooting parties in early years
Author(s): Forbes, A.
Year published: 1950
Journal: Sudan Wildlife and Sport
Volume: 1 (3)
Pages: 25-28
File: View PDF: 1,5 mb
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Eastern Africa - Sudan
Distribution - Records
African Rhino Species
There are still rumours of a strange beast with a clover shaped spoor occurring in Nasir District. - Nasir District, 8.37 N, 33.4 E

Africa - Eastern Africa - Sudan
Distribution - Records
Black Rhino
In 1905, there were still black rhino in the Dinder. A letter from Mr George Harrison of Philadelphia, saying that on 17 Feb 1906 he saw 2 black rhino while shooting in the Dinder, near a place called El Abiat. - Dinder National Park, ca. 12.30 N, 35.23 E, Ethiopia border

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