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Title: Forma & natura et costumi de lo rinocerothe stato condutto im Portogallo dal Capitanio de larmata del Re & altre belle cose condutte dalle insule nouamente trouate
Author(s): Penni, G.G.
Year published: 1515
Publisher: Impresso in Roma: in casa de mastro Stephano Guilireti a di tredici de luio, 1515. Roma, 13 July 1515
Volume: -
Pages: pp. 1-4
File: View PDF: 195,6 kb
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Captivity - Before 1800
Indian Rhino
This is a very rare booklet / pamphlet
There is a copy in the Institucion Columbina, Sevilla, Spain, sign. 6-3-29 (29)
The scans in the PDF were provided by the library in June 2012.

Forma & natura & costumi de lo ...

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