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Title: Rhinoceros poaching in Zimbabwe
Author(s): Hopkins, J.N.
Year published: 1990
Journal: Oryx
Volume: 24 (3)
Pages: 169
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Southern Africa - Zimbabwe
Distribution - Poaching
African Rhino Species
I spent from November 1986 to November 1989 working in Zimbabwee for the department of Veterinary Services. I kept a very dose eye on your magazine's details about the rhino poaching and unfortunately believe your figures of poached rhino to be way below the actual number of carcasses fotmd. My...

Africa - Southern Africa - Zimbabwe
Distribution - Records
Black Rhino
Every time I stayed at Mana Pools National Park, the Zimbabwe anti-poaching units were out looking for Zambian poachers after butchered, dehorned carcasses of black rhino had been found.

Africa - Southern Africa - Zimbabwe
Distribution - Records
Black Rhino
My last two weeks in 1989 were spent in Hwange National Park- during that period alone 10 black rhino were killed in the park by two different groups of Zambian poachers, and one Zimbabwe scout was shot (not fatally) by one of the Zambian poachers.

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