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Title: The distribution of large animals in Taman Negara
Author(s): Khan, M.
Year published: 1971
Journal: Malayan Nature Journal
Volume: 24 (3/4)
Pages: 125-131, pls. 41-42, map 1
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Asia - South East Asia - Malaysia - Peninsular
Distribution - Status
Sumatran Rhino
minimum 3, maximum 5

Asia - South East Asia - Malaysia - Peninsular
Distribution - Records
Sumatran Rhino
The Sumatran Rhino is a very rare species, and three individuals are known to exist within the boundaries of the park. Visual record of one animal crossing a river was reported by a senior game ranger in the vicinity of the Spia. It is probable that at least one other animal may exist in the va...

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