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Title: A list of the mammals at present known to inhabit Siam
Author(s): Gyldenstolpe, N.
Year published: 1919
Journal: Journal of the Natural History Society of Siam
Volume: 3 (3)
Pages: 127-175
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Asia - South East Asia - Thailand
Distribution - Records
Asian Rhino Species
Recognises Rhinoceros sondaicus, the two-horned rhinoceros [sic], and Rhinoceros sumatrensis, the one-horned rhinoceros [sic]

Asia - South East Asia - Thailand
Distribution - Records
Asian Rhino Species
Rhinoceros sondaicus, the two-horned rhinoceros, occurs in Siam but is rather rare, though found in suitable localities throughout south-western and northern Siam and Laos. Rhinoceros sumatrensis, the one-horned rhinoceros, also inhabits Siam where it is sparingly found along the western frontie...

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