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Title: Caput Nili: eine empfindsame Reise zu den Quellen des Nils
Author(s): Kandt, R.
Year published: 1904
Publisher: Berlin, Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Dohsen)
Volume: -
Pages: pp. i-xvi, 1-538
File: View PDF: 284,8 kb
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Africa - Eastern Africa - Tanzania
Distribution - Records
Black Rhino
Karagwe, an uninhabited region. An enormous grazing place for numerous rhinos. Nowhere did we encounter these fat creatures in such numbers as on this highland.

Africa - Eastern Africa - Tanzania
Distribution - Poaching
African Rhino Species
The hunters of Karagwe try to kill it in pits, and more commonly with a kind of guillotine, that is a spear put in a heavy log or treetrunk, which is attached to a tree and which is released when the animal trips on the rope.

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