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Title: [Various notes]
Author(s): DeMaar, T.W.
Year published: 1997
Journal: Newsletter Ol Jogi
Volume: 1997 August
Pages: 1-3
File: View PDF: 285,8 kb
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Distribution - Records
Black Rhino
One of our young male black rhino got into a scrape with a collegue and received some lacerations. Succesfully treated. He was then transferred to Tsavo NP. His father was Ol Jogi stock, his mother from Solio Ranch.

Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Distribution - Records
Black Rhino
The reserve was created in 1982 and stocked with 1 male and 2 female black rhino. This was before the government declared that all black rhino were property of Kenya, and the three were purchased by Ol Jogi from an animal dealer. Breeding has been very succesful. With the addition of a cow fro...

Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Distribution - Records
Black Rhino
One of our young male black rhino got into a scrape with a collegue and received some lacerations. Succesfully treated. He was then transferred to Tsavo NP. His father was Ol Jogi stock, his mother from Solio Ranch.

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