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Title: Notes on the For tribe of Central Africa
Author(s): Felkin, R.W.
Year published: 1885
Journal: Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
Volume: 8
Pages: 205-265
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Eastern Africa - Sudan
Value - Related to Horn
African Rhino Species
Superstitions of For tribe, living in Darfur, Sudan. Cups made of rhinoceros horn are supposed to detect poison in water, beer, or wine, the fluid changing colour; to give one of these cups to a friend is the highest honour that can be paid to him. (I think this ideas must have been derived from...

Africa - Eastern Africa - Sudan
African Rhino Species
Superstitions of For tribe, living in Darfur, Sudan. Cups made of rhinoceros horn are supposed to detect poison in water, beer, or wine, the fluid changing colour; to give one of these cups to a friend is the highest honour that can be paid to him. (I think this ideas must have been derived from...

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