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Title: Reizen in het bergland van Midden-Sumatra, II Over de dwarsketen van den Barisan, uitgaande van de Koerintji-Vallei
Author(s): Buennemeyer, H.A.B.
Year published: 1921
Journal: Tropische Natuur
Volume: 10 (3)
Pages: 33-37, figs. 5-7
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Asia - South East Asia - Indonesia - Sumatra
Distribution - Records
Sumatran Rhino
When I stayed at the peak of Koerintji, there would have been there a white rhinoceros, whose horn is much valued by the locals as a ?obat' or rather ?djimat', but fortunately I never met him. All paths in the forest are in fact previous hunting trails for kidjang and rhinoceros.

Asia - South East Asia - Indonesia - Sumatra
Value - Related to Horn
Asian Rhino Species
When I stayed at the peak of Koerintji, there would have been there a white rhinoceros, whose horn is much valued by the locals as a 'obat' or rather 'djimat', but fortunately I never met him.

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