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Title: Teriofauna Rannego Antropogena Vostochnoy Evropy [Early Anthropogene Theriofauna of Eastern Europe] [In Russian]
Author(s): Alekseeva, L.I.
Year published: 1977
Journal: Trudy, Ordena Trudovogo Krasnego Znameni Geologichesky Institut, Akademya Nauk SSSR, Izd-vo “Nauka”, Moskva;
Volume: 300
Pages: 1-214
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Europe - Estern Europe
Details: Dicerorhinus megarhinus (de Christol 1835), Dicerorhinus etruscus (Falconer 1859), Dicerorhinus cf. etruscus (Falconer 1859), Dicerorhinus sp., Dicerorhinus mercki (Jäger 1841), Elasmotherium sibiricum Fischer 1803, Elasmotherium caucasicum Borissiak 1914, Pls X-XIV.

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