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Search results for References by international rhino foundation
International Rhino Foundation; Ellis, S., 2016. Annual report for 2016. White Oak, IRF, pp. 1-20


International Rhino Foundation; Ellis, S., 2015. Annual report for 2015. White Oak, IRF, pp. 1-24


International Rhino Foundation; Ellis, S., 2014. Annual report for 2014. White Oak, IRF, pp. 1-13


International Rhino Foundation, 2013. Comments on Dallas Safari Club Auction of a permit to hunt a black rhino. Text of press release, pp. 1-6


International Rhino Foundation; Ellis, S., 2013. Annual report for 2013. White Oak, IRF, pp. 1-24


International Rhino Foundation; Ellis, S., 2013. Annual report for 2013. White Oak, IRF, pp. 1-13


International Rhino Foundation, 2012. Capture of rhinos in Manas National Park. Animal Keeper's Forum 39 (4): 164-165


International Rhino Foundation, 2012. Indian Rhino Vision 2020 program update. The Rhino Print (Newsletter of the Asian Rhino Project) Winter 2012: 6


International Rhino Foundation; Ellis, S., 2012. Annual report for 2012. White Oak, IRF, pp. 1-24


International Rhino Foundation, 2011. Javan rhino update June 2011. The Rhino Print (Newsletter of the Asian Rhino Project) Spring 2011: 2-4


International Rhino Foundation, 2011. The horns of a dilemma: dealing with growing Asian demand for rhino horn. The Rhino Print (Newsletter of the Asian Rhino Project) Spring 2011: 6-7


International Rhino Foundation; Ellis, S., 2011. Annual report for 2011. White Oak, IRF, pp. 1-24


International Rhino Foundation, 2010. Operation Javan rhino: providing a safety net for a species. Pamphlet distributed by IRF: pp. 1-5


International Rhino Foundation, 2010. Javan rhino conservation program. The Rhino Print (Newsletter of the Asian Rhino Project) no. 8 (Spring 2010): 6-10


International Rhino Foundation; Ellis, S., 2010. Annual report. White Oak, IRF, pp. 1-21


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