| Marra, F.; Nomade, S.; Pereira, A.; Petronio, C.; Salari, L.; Sottili, G.; Bahain, J.-J.; Boschian, G.; Di Stefano, G.; C. Falguères, C.; Florindo, F. and three others, 2018. A review of the geologic sections and the faunal assemblages of Aurelian Mammal Age of Latium (Italy) in the light of a new chronostratigraphic framework. Quaternary Science Reviews 181: 173-199
 | Marra, F.; Ceruleo, P. ; Jicha B., ; Pandolfi, L.; Petronio, C.; Salari, L.; Giaccio, B.; Sottili, G., 2016. Chronostratigraphic constraints on Middle Pleistocene faunal assemblages and Acheulian industries from the Cretone lacustrine basin, central Italy. Journal of Quaternary Science 31 (7): 641-658, 11 figs [doi:10.1002/jqs.2889]