| Boeskorov, G.G.; Chernova, O.F.; Protopopov, A.V.; Neretina, A.N.; Shchelchkova, M.V.; Belyaev, R.I.; Kotov, A.A., 2024. Frozen Mummy of a subadult Woolly Rhinoceros Coelodonta antiquitatis (Blumenbach, 1799) from the Late Pleistocene of Yakutia). Doklady Earth Sciences 518 (Part 1): 1527-1533, 3 figs., 1 table
 | Plotnikov, V.V.; Protopopov, A.V.; Klimovskiy, A.I.; Plicht, J. van der, 2019. Opisanie kostnykh sherstistogo nosoroga Coelodonta antiquitatis Blum., 1799 iz nogogo mestonakhozhdenya mamontovoy fauny na r. Ogorokha (Bacceyn r. Indigirka, Abyysky rayon, Yakutya) [Description of bone residues of woolly rhinoceros Coelodonta antiquitatis Blum., 1799 from the new location of mammoth fauna R. Okorocha (basin of the Indigirka river, Abyiskii district, Yakutia)] [in Russian, English abstr]. Prirodnye Resursy Arktiki i Subarktiki [Arctic and Subarctic Natural Resources] 24 (3): 30-38, 3 figs, 4 tabs [doi 10.31242/2618-9712-2019-24-3-3] [UDK 567/569]
 | Dirks, W.; Potapova, O.; Witzel, C.; Kierdorf, U.; Kierdorf, H.; Protopopov, A., 2016. Preliminary report on the deciduous premolars of “Sasha”, the first infant woolly rhino (Coelodonta antiquitatis) to be discovered. XIV Annual Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, Haarlem, the Netherlands, p. 159
 | Protopopov, A.; Potapova, O.; Plotnikov, V.; Maschenko, E.; Boeskorov, G.; Klimovskii, A.; Banderov, A.; Ivanov, S.; Kolesov, S.; Pavlov, I., 2015. The frozen mummy of the woolly rhinoceros, Coelodonta antiquitatis Blum., 1799 calf: a new data on early ontogenesis of the extinct species. 75th Annual SVP meeting 2015, Dallas, Texas, Abstracts: 199, poster