| Sickmueller, A.; Rusch, U.; Flamand, J.; Bertschinger, H.; Hooijberg, E.; Meyer, L.; Burger, K.; Hofmeyr, M.; Cooper, D.; Painer-Gigler, J.; Pohlin, F., 2022. Investigating consequences of translocation-stress in pregnant black (Diceros bicornis) and white (Ceratotherium simum) rhinoceroses. Zoos and Wildlife Health Conference (Emmen, The Netherlands) 2022, 47 (abstract)
 | Pohlin, F.; Haw, A.; Meyer, L.; Buss, P.; Boesch, J.; Mutinda, M.; Stalder, G.; Painer-Gigler, J., 2022. Electroencephalogram-based indices for depth-of-anaesthesia monitoring in white rhinoceroses (Ceratotherium simum) immobilised with different etorphine-based combinations. Zoos and Wildlife Health Conference (Emmen, The Netherlands) 2022: 48 (abstract)