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Search results for References by mundy, p.j.
Ndlovu, M.; Mundy, P.J., 2009. Browse preference of captive black rhinos at Chipangali Wildlife Orphanage, Zimbabwe. Pachyderm 45: 41-46, tables 1-5


Rookmaaker, L.C.; Morris, P.A.; Glenn, I.E.; Mundy, P.J., 2006. The ornithological cabinet of Jean-Baptiste Becoeur and the secret of the arsenical soap. Archives of Natural History 33 (1): 146-158, figs. 1-4


Rookmaaker, L.C.; Mundy, P.J.; Glenn, I.; Spary, E.C., 2004. François Levaillant and the Birds of Africa. Johannesburg, Brenthurst Press, pp. i-xxii, 1-484


Mundy, P.J., 1984. Rhino workshop at Pilanesberg. Newsletter of the African Elephant and Rhino Group 3: 16-17, fig. 1


Mundy, P.J., 1984. Rhinoceros in South and South West Africa. Proceedings of a Workshop held at Pilanesberg Game Reserve, Bophuthatswana, 15 and 16 February 1984. Johannesburg, Endangered Wildlife Trust, pp. 1-25


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