| Malez, M.; Brajkovic, D., 1991. Gornjopleistocenski sisavci u naplavinama Rijeke Drave (Hrvatska) [Late Pleistocene mammals from the alluvium of the Drava River (Croatia)] [in Croatian, English summ.]. Geoloski Vjesnik (Paleontologija i Stratigrafija), Institut za Geoloska Istrazivanja, Zagreb; 44: 31-37, 3 figs.
 | Malez, M., 1986. Die quartären Vertebraten-faunen in der SFR Jugoslawien [English & Russian summ-s]. Quartärpaläontologie, Berlin; 6: 101-117, 4 figs., 1 tab.
 | Malez, M., 1986. Die quartären Vertebraten-faunen in der SFR Jugoslawien [English & Russian summ-s]. Quartärpaläontologie, Berlin; 6: 101-117, 4 figs., 1 tab.
 | Malez, M.; Thenius, E., 1985. Uber das Vorkommen von Amynodonten (Rhinocerotoidea, Mammalia) in Oligo-Miozän von Bosnien (Jugoslawien). Palaeontologia Jugoslavica, Jugoslavenska Akademija Znanosti i Umetnosti, Zagreb; 34: 1-26, 2 Pls., 7 figs., 2 tabs.
 | Wolpoff, M.H. ; Smith, F.H. ; Malez, M.; Radovcic, J.; Rukavina, D., 1981. Upper Pleistocene human remains from Vindija Cave, Croatia, Yugoslavia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 54: 499-545, 12 figs., 14 tabs.
 | Malez, M., 1970. Novi pogledi na stratigrafiju Krapinskog nalazista (A new look at the stratigraphy of the Krapina prehistoric site [In Croatian with German and English summaries]. In: Krapina 1899-1969, Jugoslavenske Akademije i Umjetnosti, Zagreb, M. Malez ed. 216 pp. Papers delivered at the symposium for the 70th anniversary of the discovery of the Krapina prehistoric man, Zagreb, 31 May 1969 : 13-44, 4 plates, 15 figures
 | Malez, M., 1970. Rezultati revizije pleistocenske faune iz Krapine (Results of a review of the Pleistocene fauna from Krapina) [In Croatian with German and English summaries]. In: Krapina, 1899-1969, Jugoslavenka Akademija Znanosti i Umjetnosti, Zagreb, M. Malez ed., 216 pp. Papers delivered at the symposium for the 70th anniversary of the discovery of the Krapina prehistoric man, Zagreb, 31 May 1969: 45-56, 1 tab.
 | Malez, M., 1970. Novi pogledi na stratigrafiju Krapinskog nalazista [A new look at the stratigraphy of the Krapina prehistoric site [in Croatian, w/ German & English summ-s]. (in Malez M., ed: Krapina 1899-1969), Jugoslavenska Akademija Znanosti i Umjetnosti, Zagreb - Papers delivered at the symposium for the 70th anniversary of the discovery of the Krapina prehistoric man: pp. 13-44, 4 Pls, 15 figs.
 | Malez, M., 1963. Qvartarna Fauna Pecine Veternice u Medvednici [Die Quartäre Fauna der Höhle Veternica (Medvednica, Kroatien)] [in Croatian, German summ.]. Palaeontologia Jugoslavica, Jugoslavenska Akademija Znanosti i Umetnosti, Zagreb, V: 108-112+159-169+178-179, Pl XXII, tabs 28-29.
 | Malez, M., 1963. Qvartarna Fauna Pecine Veternice u Medvednici [Die Quartäre Fauna der Höhle Veternica (Medvednica, Kroatien)] [in Croatian, German summ.]. Palaeontologia Jugoslavica, Jugoslavenska Akademija Znanosti i Umetnosti, Zagreb, V: 108-112+159-169+178-179, Pl XXII, tabs 28-29.
 | Malez, M., 1961. Staropleistocenska fauna kostane brece poluotoka Marjana kod Splita (Die Altpleistozäne Brekzienfauna der Halbinsel Marjan bei Split (Dalmatien)). Palaeontologia Jugoslavica, JAZU, Zagreb 4: 5-43, 2 Pls., 13 tabs., 2 figs., 1 map
 | Malez, M., 1961. Staropleistocenska fauna kostane brece poluotoka Marjana kod Splita (Die Altpleistozäne Brekzienfauna der Halbinsel Marjan bei Split (Dalmatien)). Palaeontologia Jugoslavica, JAZU, Zagreb 4: 5-43, 2 Pls., 13 tabs., 2 figs., 1 map
 | Malez, M., 1960. Nalaz dvaju pleistocenskih sisavaca kod Zagreba i pregled okolnih nalazista [The find of two Pleistocene mammals near Zagreb and an overview on adjacent find localities] [in Croatian, German summ.]. Geoloski Vjesnik, Institut za Geoloska Istrazivanja, Zagreb; 14: 63-88, 3 Pls., 1 map, 1 tab.
 | Malez, M., 1960. Nalaz dvaju pleistocenskih sisavaca kod Zagreba i pregled okolnih nalazista [The find of two Pleistocene mammals near Zagreb and an overview on adjacent find localities] [in Croatian, German summ.]. Geoloski Vjesnik, Institut za Geoloska Istrazivanja, Zagreb; 14: 63-88, 3 Pls., 1 map, 1 tab.
 | Malez, M., 1960. Etruskisches Nashorn – Dicerorhinus etruscus (Falconer) – aus altpleistozänen Brekzien der Halbinsel Marjan bei Split (Dalmatien). Mammalia Pleistocaenica, Brno; 1: 115-125, 2 Pls., 3 tabs.