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Search results for References by macha, e.s.
Macha, E.S.; Meyer, L.C.R.; Leiberich, M.; Hofmeyr, M.; Hooijberg, E.H., 2024. Promoting rhinoceros welfare during transit: veterinarians' perspectives on transportation practices. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 95: 185-192 -


Mellya, R.V.K.; Hopcraft, J.G.C.; Eblate, E.M.; Kariuki, L. ; Otiende, M.; Chuma, I.S.; Macha, E.S.; Wambura, D.; Kilbride, E.; Mable, B.K., 2023. Mitochondrial DNA diversity of the eastern black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis michaeli) in Tanzania: implications for future conservation. Conservation Genetics 2023: 1-16 -


Mellya, R.V.K.; Hopcraft, J.G.C.; Eblate, E.M.; Otiende, M.; Chuma, I.S.; Macha, E.S.; Wambura, D.; Kilbride, E.; Mable, B.K., 2023. Genetic diversity of the eastern black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis michaeli) in Tanzania; implications for future conservation. Conservation Genetics 2023 - preprint:


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