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Search results for References by lindsey, p.
Ripple, W. J.; Newsome, T. M.; Wolf, C.; Dirzo, R.; Everatt, K. T.; Galetti, M.; Hayward, M. W.; Kerley, G. I. H.; Levi, T.; Lindsey, P.; MacDonald, D.W., 2015. Collapse of the world's largest herbivores [with supplementary material]. Science Advances 1 (4) DOI: 10.112/sciadv.1400103: 1-12, 1-19


Taylor, W.A.; Lindsey, P.A.; Davies-Mostert, H., 2015. An assessment of the economic, social and conservation value of the wildlife ranching industry and its potential to support the green economy in South Africa. Johannesburg, The Endangered Wildlife Trust, pp. 1-164


Taylor, M.; Brebner, K.; Coetzee, R.; Davies-Mostert, H.; Lindsey, P.; Shaw, J.; t Sas Rolfes, M., 2014. The viability of legalising trade in rhino horn in South Africa. Pretoria, Department of Environmental Affairs, pp. 1-108


Lindsey, P.; Bento, C., 2012. Illegal hunting and the bushmeat trade in Central Mozambique" a case study from Coyutada 9, Manica province. Harare, TRAFFIC East/Southern Africa, pp. 1-84


Lindsey, P.A.; Taylor, A., 2011. A study on the dehorning of African rhinoceros as a tool to reduce the risk of poaching. Republic of South Africa, Department of Environmental Affairs, pp. 1-70.


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