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Search results for References by kerley, g.
Britnell, J.A.; Yichun Zhu; Kerley, G.I.H; Shultz, S., 2023. Ecological marginalization is widespread and increases extinction risk in mammals. PNAS 120 (3) e2205315120: 1-8 -


Hyvarinen, O.; Te Beest, M.; Roux, E. Le; Kerley, G.I.H.; Findlay, N.; Schenkeveld, W.D.C.; Trouw, V.; Cromsigt, J.P.G.M., 2023. Grazing in a megagrazer-dominated savanna does not reduce soil carbon stocks, even at high intensities. Oikos 2023: e09809: 1-21 - doi: 10.1111/oik.09809


Kerley, G.I.H; Monsarrat, Sophie, 2022. Shifted models cannot be used for predicting responses of biodiversity to global change: the African elephant as an example. African Zoology 57: 1-4


Kerley, G.H., 2021. South Africa suffers a second loss of the blue antelope (Hippotragus leucophaeus) as DNA analysis confirms that the sole specimen held in South African collections is sable (H. niger) material. South African Journal of Science 117 (7/8),Art. #9489: 1-2 -


Hyvarinen, O.; Te Beest, M.; Le Roux, E.; Kerley, G.; Groot, E. de; Vinita, R.; Cromsight, J.P.G.M., 2021. Megaherbivore impacts on ecosystem and Earth system functioning: the current state of the science. Ecography 44: 1-15


Monsarrat, S.; Novellie, P.; Rushworth, I.; Kerley, G.I.H., 2019. Shifted distribution baselines: neglecting long-term biodiversity records risks overlooking potentially suitable habitat for conservation management. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374: 20190215 (pp. 1-11)


Monsarrat, S.; Kerley, G.I.H., 2018. Charismatic species of the past: Biases in reporting of large mammals in historical written sources. Biological Conservation 223: 68-75


Monsarrat, S.; Boshoff, A.F.; Kerley, G.I.H., 2018. Accessibility maps as a tool to predict sampling bias in historical biodiversity occurrence records. Ecography 41: 1-12


Hayward, M.W. ; Ripple, W.J.; Kerley, G.I.H.; Landman, M.; Plotz, R.D.; Garnett, S.T., 2017. Neocolonial conservation: is moving rhinos to Australia conservation or intellectual property loss?. Conservation Letters 2017: 1-17


Plotz, R.D.; Grecian, W.J.; Kerley, G.I.H.; Linklater, W.L., 2017. Too close and too far: quantifying black rhino displacement and location error during research. African Journal of Wildlife Research 47 (1): 47-58. DOI: 10.3957/056.047.0047


Boshoff, A.F.; Landman, M.; Kerley, G.I.H., 2016. Filling the gaps on the maps: historical distribution patterns of some of the larger mammals in part of southern Africa. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 71 (1): 23-87


Boshoff, A.F.; Landman, M.; Kerley, G.I.H., 2016. Filling the gaps on the maps: historical distribution patterns of some of the larger mammals in part of southern Africa. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 71 (1): 23-87


Plotz, R.D.; Grecian, W.J.; Kerley, G.I.H.; Linklater, W.L., 2016. Standardising home range studies for improved management of the critically endangered black rhinoceros. PLoS ONE 11 (3): 1-17 [e0150571. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0150571]


Everatt, K.T. ; Andresen, L.; Ripple, W.J. ; Kerley, G.I.H., 2016. Write back: Rhino poaching may cause atypical trophic cascades. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14 (2): 65-67


Ripple, W. J.; Newsome, T. M.; Wolf, C.; Dirzo, R.; Everatt, K. T.; Galetti, M.; Hayward, M. W.; Kerley, G. I. H.; Levi, T.; Lindsey, P.; MacDonald, D.W., 2015. Collapse of the world's largest herbivores [with supplementary material]. Science Advances 1 (4) DOI: 10.112/sciadv.1400103: 1-12, 1-19


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